Digitalization in the Healthcare and Medical Industry: ERP Innovation, Technology and Patient Care

The healthcare and medical industry is by no means falling behind other industries in terms of digitalization and innovation. New technologies are bringing numerous great advantages to healthcare services and patient care: electronic health records, online doctor consultations, BI tools, AI data analysis, and more. The path to digitalization also poses challenges if organizations fail to invest in reliable solutions and carefully consider the choice of an implementation partner. 

In what ways does ERP implementation drive digital transformation in the healthcare industry?

New-generation ERP solutions: Dynamics 365 LS Central 

Healthcare ERP systems ensure the centralized and effective management of patient records, financial operations, inventory workflow, supply chain, employee tasks, sales, etc. With a suitable holistic ERP system, businesses can streamline the process of managing medicine and medical supplies which is crucial in healthcare to ensure that patients are provided with the proper care.  

With LS Central for pharmacies businesses can experience all the advantages of uniting the management of their operations into one single system. This solution covers all the necessary components of business management: the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the retail software LS Central and a dispensing software – Prescriptions for LS Central.  

You manage prescriptions, medications, insurance, appointments; create offers and promotions, control your stock in real time and replenish effectively; track your costs, revenue and profits all within the same system. This is a game changer for healthcare facilities and medical suppliers that are still managing their business using numerous disintegrated systems or hundreds of Excel spreadsheets. 


What are the benefits of digital transformation solutions in the healthcare and medical business?

  • Redefining patient care

One of the advantages of healthcare digitalization is its impact on patients’ wellbeing. The digital transformation of pharmacies and medical centres reveals new ways for providing health customer service on a higher level such as mobile application, online consultations and more. Customers get easier and interrupted access to medicine and healthcare services: regardless of where they are, they can talk to real professionals about their concerns. By embracing new digital solutions, companies are putting their customers first thanks to telemedicine that makes healthcare accessible to everyone. 

With LS Central customers can book their appointments online or via their phone, without wasting time leaving their homes. All the necessary information is one click way: they can see available appointments per type of service, specialist or location and make their choice. They also receive confirmation and a reminder for their upcoming appointments which ensures that every small detail is well-coordinated.  

  • Efficiency and reduced costs

The right ERP system will not only reduce the administrative routine tasks but also improve their accuracy and bring convenience to employees. Through automation companies save valuable time, money and resources as the completion of one task requires less effort and time spent by the team. Hospitals, pharmacies and medical suppliers also simplify operations across their supply chains by gaining more visibility on their stock, manufacturing and purchasing. This way, the capacity will not be exceeded, and the businesses will avoid understocking and overstocking financial disasters.  

  • Data-driven insights

Real-time data is essential for pharmacies and hospitals in resource planning and efficiency optimization. Managers can use these data analytics to predict the spread of a disease, identify patterns in customer behaviour and personalize treatments. What is more, interactive dashboards turn your data into understandable insights that are used for strategic business development actions. 

Imagine how much more power you have when you have such close view over your customers and their preferences. Identify the products which are slow sellers in certain locations and make decisions whether they can sell better in another pharmacy location. Or simply compare the performance of your stores and plan where you will need more support, human resources or productivity boost. 

  • Security for sensitive medical data

Legacy business management systems that are expensive to maintain, lack frequent updates and require too much manual work pose risks for the data security. But when data instability concerns the healthcare industry where companies work with such sensitive patient data, it is not an issue that can be "swept under the carpet”. Adopting an innovative ERP solution is a key factor in strengthening your company's data security and ensuring a reliable management system. 

Digitalization is leaving its impact on healthcare and medical industry faster than expected. What is left for companies is to adapt. Dynamics 365 LS Central is the solution that helps healthcare facilities makes the transition from the outdated and ineffective to the innovative and customer-centred business management approach.  

Contact us for a demo or consultation.

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